Want to broadcast via Mobile Phone? Now you can!

by: Camera Prive Camera Prive 05/19/2020

No wonder Camera Prive is the largest camming website in Latin America! We are constantly updating and modernizing the platform to make it more intuitive for performers and users. This is one of the reasons that we are once again leading the way. We are the first website in this sector to incorporate mobile phone broadcasting technology. So, from now on, you can broadcast your live shows using your mobile phone. This will make everything easier and give you much more flexibility. Great news, right?

This was one of the most requested features by performers, and as always we are committed to you and your suggestions. This helps us ensure that Camera Prive is even more dynamic and fun for everyone when connecting. We have already implemented this feature on the platform and now you can connect from anywhere, with more freedom to move around and even create new points of view!

Creativity is the flagship of the present day! So, you can now use this to your advantage, by broadcasting from your mobile phone, you will have a range of possibilities to make your chat room even more attractive and enjoyable.

Although your room does not appear in the list on the home page for users who are accessing it from their computers, these users will still be able to access your chat room through the web search, your profile page or the My Prive menu. So, it's important to notify your followers when broadcasting by mobile phone, so they know to search for your nickname or to keep an eye out for your updates in their My Prive Menu.

We recommend broadcasting with your mobile phone only when broadcasting with your computer is not possible, as communication will be reduced. Currently, 50% of users access the website by mobile phone and the other 50% by computer, so broadcasting from your mobile phone will have about half the potential reach as broadcasting from your computer on the website.

Broadcasting from your computer remains the most profitable method for your shows. It is through the computer that you will have the best quality and the most stable connection. Mobile broadcasting should only be used when broadcasting from your computer is not possible. The math is simple, it's not mobile phone vs computer, it is mobile phone and computer, as they compliment each other. Use both and your revenue will increase!

Tips for using the mobile broadcasting feature

We have more suggestions for you to take full advantage of this new functionality. Check them out below:

If you are using an Iphone, it is important that you access the website with the Safari web browser. If you’re using an Android smartphone, it is important that you access the website with the Chrome web browser. Easy, right?

Super recommendation: Keep your mobile phone screen rotation disabled to give yourself more freedom of movement, without hindering or impairing your broadcast.

If you encounter a connection problem, try switching between WiFi and 4G to determine which has the best signal strength at that moment. Remember, it is not recommended to make this change during a paid chat, since it can cause you to be disconnected and end your chat session.

Unfortunately, mobile networks can be fickle at times and there may be streaming issues at the time of broadcasting. Therefore, it is always worth checking to see which of your networks (WiFi or 4G) has the best signal strength when you are online in free chat.

Settings button: PriveToy settings, alert beeps and chat audio are available for broadcasting from your mobile phone (chat settings tab, except macros).

Before concluding this post, we would like to tell you that we are very excited about this addition and we hope that you enjoy it, have fun and earn a lot. Our service channels are always open to assist you, hear your suggestions, comments and the like. We want to hear from you! After all, none of this would been have developed, if it hadn't been for you!

For more information, be sure to check out this post: ABC of broadcasting: by Mobile Phone, Computer and PriveCall.

Big hug and I will see you next time!